Leadership and Management
- Managers have people that work for them.
- Leaders have people that follow them.

These are some of the things that people who we asked said made a good manager.

Whilst this may seem like a long list, what people actually want from their manager is simple, support, clarity, recognition and fairness. Simple things you can do to start your journey into effective management are:

So, what makes a good leader?
Leaders don’t need a managerial position to lead and inspire others. They could be a staff member who others look to for advice and inspiration or they could be a manager who is also a great leader. The point is that if you generate a buzz of excitement and inspire others to be the best that they can, then you are a leader!
We also asked a group of people what they felt made a good leader. This is what they said:
- Someone who leads by example.
- A person who is passionate about the organisation, its work and the people working there.
- Someone who is what they say they are and acts accordingly.
- A person who I can look up to and makes me want to be the best that I can be.
- A person who I trust has my best interests at heart and wants me to achieve.

Simple things you can do to start your journey into being a good leader are:
- Actively listen to people as great leaders are those who listen and care about their opinions, needs, and concerns.
- Be clear in your goals so that everyone understands them, and people can buy into your vision and come on the journey with you.
- Be creative and forward thinking. This is infectious and encourages others to buy into your vision.
- Be inspiring! This may sound difficult but start with understanding the people you work with and what motivates them. You can then tap into their motivation and inspire them to be the best that they can be.
For more information on leadership and management, check out our course by either clicking the link: https://www.tnta.co.uk/products/leadership-and-management-online-training emailing us at info@tnta.co.uk or speaking to one of our friendly staff on 01782 757001
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Author: Maxine Clark
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