Module 1 - Signs, symptoms and behavioural indicators of abuse - In this module you will look at terminology, what is adult abuse, types of abuse: physiological abuse, neglect or acts of omission, physical, sexual, self-neglect, modern slavery, financial or material, discriminatory, domestic violence, organisational abuse, and signs and symptoms of abuse.
Module 2 - Susceptibility to abuse - In this module you will look at what may cause susceptibility to abuse, mental capacity including the five principles, different scenarios around adult abuse and how you may act and financial abuse and its wider repercussions.
Module 3 - Responding professionally to a disclosure - In this module you will look at how an adult disclosure might happen, opening up, reluctance to talk, reacting appropriately, disclosures, supporting you and procedures.
Module 4 - Legislation and information sharing - In this module you will look at the regulations under the Social Services and Well-being Act, Safeguarding Boards, information sharing and its importance in delivering a more effective service and data security including physical data, removable media, the telephone and data security outside the office.