
  • Using and creating videos

    Whether you are looking for information for yourself, or to give information to others, video’s are a great way of doing this. If you are already...
  • Communication skills

    Communication skills allow you to understand and be understood by others. Developing your communication skills can really help you to build rela...
  • Active Listening

    Ever felt like you are talking to someone, and whilst they are listening to you, they seem a little distracted and you are not sure that you h...
  • Professional Curiosity

    The phrase professional curiosity is something that I am sure you are starting to hear used more and more, especially if you are front facing and...
  • Leadership and Management

    Managers have people that work for them. Leaders have people that follow them. Some people may be natural leaders and/or ma...
  • Planning it V's winging it!

    There is often a lot of debate between me and my business colleagues about whether to plan it or wing it! As a natural planner I would say that p...
  • Do adults learn in the same way as children?

    When we think about how we learn, it is really interesting to know that adults learn in different ways to children. We are not going to go into...
  • Empathy and emotional regulation

    Empathy is the ability to understand what other people are feeling, put simply, it is seeing things from another person’s viewpoint, and imaginin...
  • Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week

    The Sexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness Week occurs on the first full week of February. For 2023 that will take place from 5th to 11th F...
  • Jam Board

    WHAT IS JAMBOARD? We are always looking for different tools to make training interesting and interactive in the classroom, but especially more ...
  • Empathy and Emotions and their impact on learning

    Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. When a learner feels understood and supported: *  It helps them to s...
  • Safeguarding what and how often?

    Safeguarding What safeguarding training do I need and how often do I need to renew it? At The National Training Academy we cater for both E...